I didn't start a blog to blab about myself. I started it to create community among mothers in the trenches. If there's a topic you want to chat about, please let me know here or send me an email or chat message. I put it all out there and sometimes I'm a little too honest, which can make some people uncomfortable. At least no one can see you blush in front of your computer screen. I'm trying to be real because there are enough "look how awesome I am" and "I have all the answers" blogs out there. I'm here spilling the beans and sharing my truth because I want moms to know that most of us actually don't have it altogether! Most of us are taking it one day at a time and learning from our mistakes. I'm here to build moms up with my truth. That's why I'm so embarrassingly honest about the ins and outs of my failures and fracasos. So, if there's an area you're struggling with as a mother, tell me, tell someone here, because chances are we're struggling with that too and could use all the advice and support we can get!
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A mom of four little girls here to offer support and a laugh while trying to reign it all in
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